VIP: Very Involved Parents
March 29th, 2020
*Don’t let what you can’t do keep you from what you can do!
*Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Due!
Don’t let the Coronavirus slow you down from reaching your goals!
Achieving any goal of great value requires commitment and tenacity. A Camo Belt for the younger kids and a Black Belt for the older kids is a big and powerful goal that impacts their lives in such a positive and lasting way. Although I am speaking about kids, the same goes for adults. All ages benefit tremendously from the achievement of such a worthy goal.
High level achievers and Black Belt Champions know that it takes a great team to achieve a great dream. Each person is stronger when they have the power of a great support team.
When a student qualifies and commits to our Camo Quest or Black Belt Quest Program, we are very aware that there will be setbacks and obstacles to overcome in the journey.
With years of experience in building a powerful team of highly skilled and dedicated Black Belts, Ecma has plenty of real life experience in teaming up and never giving up.
When a parent teams up with their child’s Instructor to help their child, everyone wins. If they all decided to give up on the child, everyone loses and nobody wins.
When an Instructor teams up with a student to overcome some of life’s challenges, everyone grows stronger and everyone wins. If either of them throws in the towel and gives up, both of their spirits and hopes become weaker and everyone loses.
Every time you solve a problem or overcome and obstacle, you become stronger and better at dealing with problems and challenges. There are tremendous long-term benefits for all involved when we decide to always team up and never give up.
There is also great potential for permanent damage if we develop the habit of giving up in the face of adversity. Developing a non-quitting spirit is always easier when you team up with others that are as committed to success as you are.
Ecma Instructors and Staff are committed to help in any way we can to have you continue your journey. If you need any help with motivation and or if you need someone to have a talk with your child or you personally, feel free to let us know. I personally will roll up my sleeves and help you.
Thank you for your support,
Master Tommy Lee
Founder & Master Instructor of ECMA
*I used two quotes, but I cannot remember where I got them from. I just know them. I don’t want to take credit for coming up with the quotes.