VIP: Very Involved Parents
Friday March 27th, 2020
Our kids curriculum was designed to be learned at the our studio in a class setting with one or more of our instructors. That being said, Ecma has modified the curriculum this cycle for the younger kids in a way that will be very beneficial for each child and even more so if we can get you, the parent involved.
Ecma will be holding “VIP Parent Coaching Classes.” These classes will help parents understand some fundamentals as well as how to coach your child and create a deeper bond with them and help them with their confidence and belief in their self. Confidence leads to more effort and results. During the shutdown, we invite you to help your child during their VIRTUAL Classes or Attend a VIP Parent Coaching Class.
If interested in this class, please email and let Ms. Terri know you are interested. She in turn will let me know.
We have three levels of VIP parents.
1) We have busy parents that don’t have time to watch classes but would like to spend some quality home time practicing the moves with your children.
2) We have parents that love to watch classes, support their kids and take an active role in our events as well.
3) We have the Very Involved Parents that take classes. Martial Arts is a lifestyle where people of all ages can benefit from the training. Kids love it when parents have the time and energy to train. Parents are also sending a loud message by leading by example. At the school we offer some very affordable family plans. We encourage you to try classes and enjoy the benefits of fitness, self-defense, weight loss and great family time.