Optimism: Life Lesson
Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
This month due to the Covad-19 lockdown and everyone being home, I felt this may be a good topic to share with both Parents and Children. Normally this would a lesson of the month broken into 4 weeks. I thought it may be important to make it a lesson for the week and break it into 4 days. Please let me know if you find this helpful. If you do, please leave a comment on the post. Thank You, Master Tommy
Monday March 23rd, 2020
I chose Optimism first due to the panic everyone is displaying. I chose Self Control 2nd to help the kids not make their parents crazy and 3rd Patience so parents and kids can keep the peace. I also have stories that go along with each topic. My goal is to get 3 months worth of content up just in case we are in for an extended period of time.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist see the opportunity in every difficulty.
~ Winston Churchill
This month we are going to study what it means to be optimistic or pessimistic. To be able to do this, we first need to know what each of these words mean. According to Webster’s New World Dictionary:
Optimism is the tendency to take the most hopeful or cheerful view of matters or to expect the best outcome.
Pessimism, on the other hand, is the tendency to expect misfortune or the worst outcome in any circumstance. If you feel you are currently pessimistic, you can change this with some work and patience. We want you to feel good about you, the world around you and especially your martial arts.
Ask yourself or your child:
- Do you look at things in a positive way or a negative way?
- If something is not going your way, what can you do to make it better?
- Do you usually have a smile on your face?