East Coast Martial Arts

Camo Candidate Test Page

Published, but still under construction

This site was designed to help students practice the curriculum that will be on their promotional testing. This site will be a very nice site packed with information about everything from curriculum, feedback forms, testing forms, suggestions on practicing and more. Due to testing being so close around the corner, I posted what students need for the test. I will make this site much nicer and add more graphics later, but for now I just want to get the content up and running for you.            – Master Tommy Lee & ECMA Staff

Camo Belt


Testing for Camo, Camo Gold and Camo Orange

INSTRUCTIONS: Look at this drop down first


This guide will help the Camo Belt Candidates to focus their training at home toward testing. In addition to the standards set forth below, the instructors are looking for the following:

Students who are respectful: this will be especially important during testing. A loud “Yes, sir!” goes a long way!

Enthusiasm and intensity: Whenever the instructors call the students, they should do everything with 100% intensity!

The students will also be expected to know the proper courtesy and etiquette required in class, such as:

Bowing when entering and leaving the mat Cha-ryut! (Attention)
Kyung-yet (Bow)
Chun bee (Ready)

Counting 1-10 in Korean (ha-na, dul, set, net, tasut, yasut, ilgop, yodolp, a-hope, yol)

Standing still for 30 seconds (Stoneface) Lining up properly
Levels 8, 9, 10 for sitting
Asking questions politely

Parents should encourage their kids to set some time aside at home to train. I cannot stress this enough: Practice doesn’t make perfect, consistent practice makes perfect.

Good Luck!

Camo Belt Benchmarks

The Benchmarks listed here must be completed at the Camo test. We have tried to list as much detail as possible, but if you have any questions, ask the instructors. Also, we have now added practice tips in BLUE. Remember:

White Belts practice until they get it right, Camo Belts practice until they can’t get it wrong.

Benchmarks have traditionally been one of the hardest parts of the test, so don’t wait until a month before your camo test to train:


Balance-15 Front Leg Roundhouse kicks ON THE BOBBY on each side without setting your leg down. Do these at least 3 times a week, and practice until you can do MORE than the required number.

Coordination- 10 stationary side kicks THROUGH THE RING without setting your foot down. Find a ring or a tube (slightly bigger than your foot) and kick through it every chance you get.

Strength- 15 push-ups with proper form: back straight, head up, body lowers and raises as a single unit. You may only rest in the “up” position: if your knee touches the floor, you must start over at 1.

Practice these 3 times a week: again, don’t train until you can do the required number, train until the required number is easy and you can do more.

Endurance- 30 sit-ups with proper form: knees bent, hands behind your head, butt stays on the floor. You may rest in the “up” position for no more than 3 seconds before continuing. Resting on the floor will result in an immediate restart of your count. Same as above for the push-ups.

Master Kicking Combos

Snap Kick Master Combo

Stationary Snap – Lift the front knee into snap kick chamber position without moving the back foot. Kick and recoil.
Back Leg Snap – Bring your back knee up, hit with your shoelaces, recoil and set it down in front.
Sliding Snap – Slide your back foot up until it touches your front foot, execute a Stationary Snap

Back Leg Low-High Snap – Execute a low Back Leg Snap, re-chamber it, raise your knee and do a high Back Leg Snap

Pop-up Snap – Bend your knees to charge up the power for your jump. Pop straight up into the air and execute a Back Leg Snap. You will land with your kicking foot in front.

Jumping Snap – Bring your back knee up forcefully to gain momentum for the jump. When your knee reaches the top, jump off of your front leg and do a Snap
kick. Land with the kicking leg in front.Double Punch – Do a front punch (Tsst), then a back punch (I-YAA!)

Roundhouse Kick Master Combo:

Stationary Round – Lift the front knee into roundhouse kick chamber position without moving the back foot.
Back Leg Round – Open your foot, turn your back shoulder, point your knee, hit with your shoelaces, recoil and set it down in front.

Sliding Round – Slide your back foot up until it touches your front foot, execute a Stationary Round
Back Leg Low-High Round – Execute a low Back Leg Round, re-chamber it, raise your knee and do a high Back Leg Round

Pop-up Round – Bend your knees to charge up the power for your jump. Pop straight up into the air and execute a Back Leg Round. You will land with your kicking foot in front.
Jumping Round – Bring your back knee up forcefully to gain momentum for the jump. When your knee reaches the top, jump off of your front leg and do a Round kick by turning your hip over in mid-air. Land with the kicking leg in front. Double Punch – Do a front punch (Tsst), then a back punch (I-YAA!).

Side Kick Master Combo:

Stationary Side – Lift the front knee into Side kick chamber position without moving the back foot.
Back Leg Side – Open your foot, turn your back shoulder, point your knee, hit with

your shoelaces, recoil and set it down in front.
Power Side – Slide your back foot up until it crosses behind your front foot, execute a Stationary Side from that position.
Back Leg Low-High Side – Execute a low Back Leg Side, re-chamber it, raise your knee and do a high Back Leg Side

Straight Back Kick – turn over your back shoulder, chamber your right leg like a side kick and shoot it out toward the target, Recoil and land it in front so you are
in a right lead.
Full step Straight Back kick -step forward with your left, turn over your right shoulder, chamber your right leg like a side kick and shoot it out toward the target, recoil and land it in front so you are in a right lead. Double Punch – Do a front punch (Tsst), then a back punch (I-YAA!)

Forms for Testing

Cha Gun Yong Il (1)

Cha Gun Yong Ee (2)

Cha Gun Yong Sahm (3)

Cha Gun Yong Sah (4)

Cha Gun Yong O (5)

Cha Gun Yong Yook (6)

Cha Gun Yong Chil (7)

MMA Combos


A Little Dragons Camo Belt must be confident when sparring and not just blocking and running You must have a good balance of kicks and hand techniques when sparring. (This section of your testing will be done at the studio on the final day of testing).

You must be able to show the techniques you have learned during the sparring classes, and you must score with a hand technique, a head kick, a spinning kick and a jump kick to pass.

Board Breaking

Admittedly, Board Breaking can be one of the most intimidating or exhilarating parts of the test. Here are some things you need to know about Board Breaking to be successful: (This will also be completed at the final day of testing in the studio).

It’s not about power Everyone thinks you need to be big and strong to smash through a board. You don’t.

Focus & Accuracy are everything You could take the biggest, strongest person you know and have them swing as hard as they can, but if they miss the center of the board with their hand (or foot) in the wrong position, it won’t break.

It’s an exercise in overcoming fear and doubt No one approaches their first board knowing they can break it, but you have to believe. 

Junior Creed: Setting an example at home and logging progress

The Junior Creed

A Little Dragons Camo Belt must be able to recite the Junior Creed line by line. Do not wait too long to start working on this, many students have failed or come close to failing their Camo test by not knowing their Junior Creed. :

    1. I promise to keep my room clean.
    2. I promise to obey my parents and teachers.
    3. I promise to always be polite and respectful.
    4. I promise to tell the truth and honor my word.
    5. I promise not to fight with my brothers and sisters or friends.
    6. I promise to always do my best and never give up.

Camo Belt Testers (You will have your own page soon.)

If you are planning on testing for your Camo Belt this cycle, please email Support@EastCoastMartialArts.com and address the email to Master Tommy.

I am working on  your page this Monday and Tuesday. For now, you may go to the regular curriculum page and all the Advanced Dragon Forms are already posted.

Parents Bonus Section
This section is 100% up to the parent.  You may choose to work on something that they are not doing well in terms of behavior or chores. It can also mean you would like to see them do more productive. Here are some examples…

Behavior: It could be listening, talking back, getting angry to fast with sibling and or being to wild or loud. You may have an issue with lying, saying the wrong words and or something else. 

Productive: Cleaning their room, picking up after themselves, putting their toys away or doing their chores. Productive in learning and growing with things like reading, writing, playing their instrument or practicing their Martial Arts. 

You be the judge and let me know by email. Support@EastCoastMartialArts.com and attention it to Master Tommy

Testing Checklist in order

Testing Information by CatEgory

Monday May 18th – 23rd (Pre-Testing Week)

  1. PLEASE Register for the class before 12:00 Noon so there is a record in our Zoom Class that you will be attending. If you cannot do this on May 18 because the site wasn’t live, it’s okay. This week is practice so next week you can do it. Please register everyday before 12 noon to take class. If it doesn’t allow you to register it’s okay, just email us so we can check. We have this week to fix anything needing attention.
  2. Please log in 15 minutes prior to the class so if you have any challenges you can let us know early. We must start on time.
  3. Please make sure that your camera is set up at least to your shoulders. If a camera is on the floor, desk or regular size table we will not see the correct angle of your kicks and it will affect the score. Please also make sure you have proper lighting and proper space.
  4. Parents and Students are responsible to put in the students First and Last Name before class starts. Instructors will not have time to do this on pre-testing week.  We will take attendance and grade on the name on the screen name.
  5. Please be sure to have a water bottle and towel next to you so you don’t have to leave the floor.
  6. Use the rest room before class. It’s a pre-test and we can’t ask others to wait if you need to be excused. Thank You. Of course if nature calls, you need to go. Please be respectful and take of this before class starts.
  7. This is pre-testing week. All students are to be in full uniform during practice so they can practice in exactly what they are wearing for the test. Students should be dressed in full uniform and belt or Martial Arts pants and an ECMA black t-shirt w/ belt.

If a new uniform is needed, please email support@EastCoastMartialArts.com.

Pre-testing week and testing week are the weeks that parents are asked to make sure the kids are doing their homework assignments. These assignments are very important because character and discipline is a major part of martial arts and from this date forward every testing will encompass this as well.

Parents may pick from the list that or substitute something if they feel it would be more beneficial. The tasks are easy and will help keep order at home. PARENTS please be very strict on these activities. If the kids don’t perform what is expected, you should ask us either take them off the testing list or hold the belt after the testing until they complete the assignments. It’s your choice.

Monday May 25th, 2020 (Closed for Memorial Day)
Tuesday May 26th Refresher Class for All Advanced Dragons

We are closed Monday May 25th for Memorial Day.

Refresher Class Open to ALL Advanced Dragons
Tuesday May 26th at 4:00
Regular class open to all students. This is a great time to use as a refresher since it’s a long weekend. All Advanced Dragons are welcome to attend and encouraged to so they can be ready for testing. 

Wednesday May 27th – Thursday May 28th, 2020 (Testing Week)

Testing Week:  

Congratulations on making it to the test. You are making history participating in the first ever virtual online martial arts testing at ECMA. AWESOME!

Seriously though, we applaud the effort by both the parents and students for attending and being part of the Online Virtual Training at ECMA.

We know it was work and you had a lot of other things going on. Trust me, I  know. It took 7 ECMA staff to run 1 class so we could account for any technical issues or student challenges getting on.

Please scroll up to the Pre-Test Week and review those directions. It’s important that the testing run smooth. We will have a 4-5 on 1 ratio between students testing and instructors grading. 

We need you to register before 12 noon the morning of the test just like last week. The reason is we need to assign instructors to students and create break-out rooms in advance for a smooth process.

Test Day Schedule (Please look here for testing times)

Camo Testing May 2020
Virtual Online Belt Testing

Camo Testing will be done in 2 Phases
Phase One will be done with the Advanced Dragon Brown and Red Belt Testing like we normally do at the regular Camo Test.
Phase Two: Must be done at the studio, just like blackbelt testing due to sparring and board breaking.  (Phase two will encompass Benchmarks, Sparring, Board Breaking and Awarding of Camo Belts.

We believe we will be able to complete this testing on Friday June 5th or 6th. I will update everyone by the end of the week if we hear something from the County. 

Thank you for being patient. We want this to be special, so the final day will be so important. Thank You

Option 1
Wednesday May 27th at 4:45
Meeting ID: 297-013-767
All students may test in their regular class.
No need to worry about schedules.

Option 2
Thursday May 28th at 4:00
Meeting ID: 794-900-351

All students may test in their regular class.
No need to worry about schedules.

To print the schedule above, print here?

*If you cannot make your normal class time please let me know.

How do I select my testing time?

How do we register for testing?

Testing applications will be emailed Wednesday May 20th at 6:00 pm. The due date for the  testing application has been moved to Friday 12:00 Noon. We apologize for not sending this out sooner. We found a flaw in the original way we designed the application so we had to make adjustments.

If for some reason you cannot make one of those times, please let us know in advance by emailing Support@EastCoastMartialArts.com.


How do I register for testing?

How do we register for testing?

Testing applications will be emailed Wednesday May 20th at 6:00 pm. The due date for the  testing application has been moved to Friday 12:00 Noon. We apologize for not sending this out sooner. We found a flaw in the original way we designed the application so we had to make adjustments.

If for some reason you cannot make one of those times, please let us know in advance by emailing Support@EastCoastMartialArts.com.


How will we receive our belts?

This will be determined by the news we get from the county. We want this to be special day for students so our goal is to have a ceremony either in the school or outside. We should know which this week. 

We have 3 plans of action depending on new from the county. We should have an answer by the end of the week.

  1. Inside ceremony limited to a few students at a time.
  2. Outside ceremony limited to a few students at a time.
  3. Curbside pick up with the testing table and belts so parents can pick up without being close to anyone. (Right now this is how we are planning until the county give us permission and guidelines to do something else.

If families feel more comfortable, we will schedule a time for you to pick up your belt at the studio. If you cannot we will make other arrangements.

What if I need extra help?

We have been booking private lessons and they have been going very well. We actually record the session so the students has the split view of Instructor / Student. This is actually working out really well. because of several reasons.

1) Students can see themselves in the camera if they position themselves correctly. This allows them to see errors they normally wouldn’t see in a normal class.

2) There is a recording that students are shared on if requested. They  can review the lesson and take notes over and over again.

Click Here if you would like a private lesson.

How do I check to see if I quality (Class Count & Proficency)?

You will not need to worry about this, the instructors will be meeting on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to see how everyone is doing on the pretest. We will let you know. It would be good if you let us know that they need attention or extra work even before the pre-test week is done. We have slots open for privates but will fill up fast.

we are proud of you! Good Luck!

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