Advanced Belts
Brown Belts
Brown Senior Belts
Red Belts
Red Senior Belts
Updated June 1st, 2022: Please scroll down until you see the video curriculum. I have deleted the timeline of information due to our new mobile app and google classroom. The new mobile app and google classroom will replace this page. I have left this page accessible so students may view curriculum to assist in training at home. Please scroll down until you see the video curriculum. You may view Quick Start section and Pre-Testing Video Requirements for more information on creating your notebook and how to video submissions. The notebook is required for all advanced belts however the video submissions and the other information is not required at this time until the mobile app and google classroom come out. If you are a Blackbelt Candidate testing in August, see Master Zach for Details.
All testing information for past tests have been deleted and will be updated in our new Mobile App coming in mid June 2022. For now, all Blackbelt Candidates please see Master Zach for details. We are using another means t assign and track homework and assignments. (The below testing packet, calendar and assignments will be re-written to be accessed by google classroom and the new mobile app.
Advanced Belt Testing Packet
Click Here to “Print” Calendar
Weekly Assignments & Pre-Work
Important Dates To Remember
This section has been deleted and will be updated in the new Mobile App and Google Classroom available in mid June 2022
Days Hours Minutes
Quick Start Orientation
Quick Start Orientation Guide: It’s important to read this secection first.
Dear Candidates,
The below information is no longer valid. We will update this on the new mobile app and google classroom portal mid June 2022.
Date: TBA
When: 9:30 Zoom Meeting I.D. 824 2270 8364
Where: Online.
Password: ecma2020
The Online process for Blackbelt Testing has been modified to incorporate the adjustments that had to be made due to the Covid-19 restrictions. As the Executive Order Changes, so will our process.
This site will continue to be updated so you are in the loop.
Please follow the below steps to get familiar with the process and have a smooth, hassle free experience.
Step 1) Are you on this testing cycle or a future testing cycle? If you would like to be on our notification list, please click the Test Request Link and let us know when you are planning or hoping to test. If you are not sure when you are qualified to test, open the tab labeled Timeline & Class Requirements for clarification. Once you have an idea, click this link and let us know. Every advanced belt should be on the list.Red Senior Belt and all levels of Blackbelt students should be on this list. Once we know this information we can accurately guide you through the process. This will allow instructors and staff to monitor your classes and notify you of specifics regarding your test date. ECMA will be setting up a distribution list. This will allow each student and parent to get information directly emailed to them regarding their testing specifics. This means you get the information you need and not the details meant for others. If you are not on the list, you may miss valuable information and/or be overlooked for testing.
Help us guide you by letting us know your intentions. Click Here to access the Test Request submission form.
Step 2) Are you familiar with the Blackbelt Candidate Testing Process and Requirements? Review the three video’s at the top of this website, read the information below and only then click through and read this web portal. Once done, start downloading the worksheets and or printed material provided. Place this information in your three ring Blackbelt Candidate Binder. Yes, you should have a 3 Ring Binder. Attach one of those plastic ziplock bags designed to hold pens, pencils and erasers. This notebook will be your quick access resource to all the material you should have at your fingertips. Note: We are redoing many of the printed material, so if it’s not posted yet, it will be soon.
Step 3) How do I know when applications and core requirement are due? The best way to get accurate information is to listen to announcements in class, pay attention to posted flyers in the studio, visit this site frequently and ask the proper ECMA staff member or volunteer assigned to that area. Not all staff members may know updated information. Please look for the tab labeled…. Staff and Volunteer Contact Information.
Step 4) Important Submissions that must be made prior to testing. Please review the Blackbelt Candidate Written and Creative Requirements for detailed information on what is expected to be turned.
Blackbelt Candidate Daily Class Binder. Students are required to bring this to every class.
Please set up a Blackbelt Notebook to hold any and all the information for testing. You should keep this notebook with you when you train at home, in class and at all events you attend. It’s important that you organize your notebook and keep it updated. Here are my suggestions. (Please keep in mind that I wrote this very quickly to help give some guidance. I would like anyone that sets this system up or can suggest a filing and tracking system they think would work better to please send me their suggestions in an outline. I will update this and give you credit for the suggestions and/or tracking sheets).
- Purchase a (1 1/2″) 3 ring binder of good quality. The cheaper ones tend to fall apart at the spine of the book and the rings tend to get broken and separate.
- Put a 3 ring plastic zip pocket inside to hold your pen, pencil and erasers as well as any highlighter or items you want to have accessible.
- Put a 5 page divider set inside your binder. Personally I would separate my binder in this way…
- Place a plastic insert with schedule and dates of everything due. Then set up your 5 tab system:
- Tab One: Blackbelt Packet
- Tab Two: Extra Information: This will consist of handouts given to you, guides to review, read and or help you but is not to be required to be turned in. This is more of resource guides and notes.
- Tab Three: Paperwork & Assignments Due: This will be the section that you should have to put in the paperwork and materials due. I would put them in due date order. Print out each thing that is due and or if you have a plan of action, type it out and put each paper in the order you want to complete the workout or task assignments. This way the freshest and most urgent will be at the front.
- Tab Four: Work On Notes: Place a sheet of paper with Self Notes: What you need to work on and another sheet with Instructor Notes: What instructors said needed work. Personally I would set it up to have a date column for when it was recommended and/or written down, a date column and check for when you addressed or practiced it, a line for you to write any questions have when practicing and/or check mark for when complete. (These are just suggestions. If you are a good organizer and/or note taker, I would love to have you submit a tracking sheet you design to help your classmates. I will post online for them to print and give you credit for the design).
- Tab Five: Notes and Journaling: I would have blank paper, graph paper and lined paper so you can take notes and or draw if you need to. This section is just to be sure you have proper supplies to take notes or make graphs if needed.
- When you receive something and or use the paper in tab five, be sure you file it in the right section so it’s easy to find.
Upcoming Testing Process: Update yourself on what and why testing has changed.
The Upcoming Blackbelt Testing will be different than other tests you have taken in the past. If the restrictions on social distancing remain or get together, we must continue to abide by the guidelines that must be followed to run safe and compliant classes as well as tests.
We had to make modifications to our curriculum and testing process. The process has been difficult due to the constant updates and changes. Each time something changes, we must verify it and then make adjustments.
- As of right now, our Blackbelt Test will be running as planned. We are waiting to see what the State and County will be requiring us to do in terms of the mandate.
- We may not be able to spar on this test. We should be able to break boards.
- Spectators will be limited. Please let us know who you plan to invite so we can calculate the numbers.
If you have any questions, please email, Mr. Zach at
** The curriculum on this site was placed here so all students may review and practice. There may be some material you are not responsible for as well as some material you are responsible for that is not on the site. Please use this as a guide and not as a fact for what is on the test. Thank You.
Advanced Belt Timeline & Class Count: Helps students determine when they are eligible to test.
Blackbelt Candidate and Beyond Timelines:
- *Red Senior testing for Black Belt: 6 Months, 48 Classes, Minimum Requirement 40 Classes
- *Black Belt testing for 1st Degree: 6 Months, 48 Classes, Minimum Requirement 40 Classes to testing).
*(For students that take a break, they must be back a minimum of 2 cycles before testing for the above ranks.)
- **1st Degree testing for 2nd Degree: 18 Months, 144 Classes, Minimum Requirement 125 Classes,
- **2nd Degree testing for 3rd Degree: 36 Months, 288 Classes, Minimum Requirement 260 Classes, must be training at least 3 cycles minimum before testing.
- **3rd Degree testing for 4th Degree: 48 Months, 384 Classes, Minimum Requirement 350 Classes,. must train at least 4 cycles before testing.
- **(For students that take a break, they must be back a minimum of 2 cycles for 2nd Degree, 3 cycles for 3rd Degree and 4 cycles for 4th Degree before testing for their next rank.)
Blackbelt Workshops
This section has been removed. Do not access this. It will be available in the new Mobile App coming in mid June 2022
This workshop is $49.00 . If you wish to get a discount, you may purchase multiple events on one checkout and receive the special promotional rates
Student Benefits:
- Review one week before testing.
- Sharpen one week before testing.
- Go over the format for the day of testing.
- Build confidence one week before testing.
- Fine tuning the things your struggling with.
- Getting the extra help needed from instructors.
- *Re-do anything you didn’t pass on the Pre-Test
- If a student falls short on something during the Pre-Test or Endurance that they are allowed to make up, this is the day they can do it. It allows a 2nd chance for the students that did well, but just miss passing the pre-test by a few points. It’s not designed for students that had multiple challenges or a low score.
Pre-testing video requirements
Why is this required for qualifying to test?
Blackbelt Candidate Pre-Work and Pre-Qualifying Videos Submission
Why is this required for qualifying to test?
In 2021, video submission will be a major qualifying component for those with a goal of testing for their Advanced Belt, Blackbelt, and/or Beyond. ECMA started using this method during March, April and May of 2020 when the pandemic forced the students to train online. The only method of evaluation for the May 2020 Testers was to view them online and have them submit videos.
What started out as a work-around to get students ready, proved to be something that worked very well. We were able to get students ready faster due to their commitment on shooting, reviewing, correcting and then submitting the videos they shot on their own. We have decided to incorporate this into the 2021 Advanced and Blackbelt Testing Cycles because of all the benefits we saw students receiving.
Benefits to Students:
- Gives students a specific topic to practice and perfect before shooting the pre-work, pre-qualifying and/or homework that is required to be submitted.
- Allows the students to focus on what is important to the instructors. This means that the students are practicing the techniques and curriculum the instructors want them to be working on versus guessing what they should be practicing.
- Self-feedback to students. When shooting the video for a pre-work or pre-qualifying submission video, the student can tell if a technique they are proficient doing or if it’s something they need work on. They can tell by how many times they have to shoot the video to get it right.
- The good thing about submitting by video is you can shoot it 20 times and we will only judge the video you send in. We don’t know if you did 1 take or 100 takes. We only see what you submit.
- If you take 5 minutes and submit a video that looks great, you didn’t need to practice. If you submit a video that took 5 hours to do right, then you must have needed the work and if it wasn’t for the video, it never would have been done. This helps prepare you for your testing, strategically and systematically.
- Something very important to your instructors: It shows that you have taken the timm to read the details, practice, find someone to video, review your video and then submit your video. This shows organization, drive and responsibility. It shows you have the proper mindset and follow through.
What is the proper way to video your technique?
What is the proper way to video your pre-work?
Select the site you will be shooting your videos. Use that site to practice so you get used to working out at that location. Determine the videos you will be shooting and practice before shooting the video to submit. When you practice, practice in the same location you will be doing our video and tape your practice session with the same camera you will be using to submit our video. This way you are used to the location and camera.
When you work out, always video your workout. When you shoot the video to submit, shoot it with the same camera your used to using. My suggestion is to do the following when you shoot videos. After shooting the video, review it. Ask yourself these questions.
Was the lighting good? Can you see yourself clearly in the video? Did you stay in the picture? Did you get to close at times? Did you have enough space where you shot the video?
If you did, maybe you will need to do your form and be conscious of when you need to move back and continue the form. It may not be fluid, but that is okay. You may need to do 2 moves, slide back and the last move. You will only know if you practice. You may turn the long way and run out of room, so if that is the case, turn the long way. Slide back and then start. You may choose to turn the long way, do 2 techniques, move back and do the last one. Whatever feel comfortable to you is fine, just be sure you don’t decide at the time of the test. You can’t look at the screen when you do your forms. If you do it will show you didn’t practice correctly for the online portion.
Really look at the quality of your technique. Are your kicks chambered. Do your punches come from your chin and extend? Do you pull your hands back to cover your chin? Are your stances wide enough, deep enough, heel to the ground and knees bent at the proper angles? If not, you know what to practice.
Blackbelt Candidate Pre-Work and Pre-Qualifying Videos Submission
What is the proper way to video your techniques?
When you video your techniques, please be sure you do the following…
- Have the proper light, camera angle and stay in the picture so we can see your technique. If we cannot see it, it will be graded as incorrect.
- Take your time. You may re-shoot as much as you like. If it takes 1 or 100 tries, we will only see the one you submit. That is the one we will grade.
Please video your kicks and combos in the following manner.
- Left foot forward facing the camera and execute 3 Kicks
- Right foot forward facing the camera and execute 3 Kicks
- Turn to the left or right and show me a side view and execute 2 kicks.
(You may choose your best side)
Please video your form with the following in mind.
- Be sure you record your entire form. You must stay in the picture at all times.
- Be sure the lighting and camera angle is good.
- Be sure to charge your recording device ahead of time.
- If you need assistance shooting, uploading or needing help, we are only an email or phone call away.
Uploading your Homework Videos using Drop Box?
Submitting Videos via Dropbox
We found a way to easily share your video’s so you don’t have to upload them each time. This method will also allow your video’s to be private so only you and the instructors (or whomever “YOU” decide to share with) will be able to view them. This will also allow instructors to comment through dropbox so you have feedback.
Sending Videos with Dropbox through your computer.
These directions are specifically for accessing dropbox on the computer. If you scroll down there is also a mobile app, but those instructions will follow.
- Go to
- If you have an account, log in. If not, you will need to create an account. You can create an account using your gmail account if you have one (special button simplifies this process for gmail users), or any other email.
- Once logged in, on the right side of the screen you will see an option to create a New Folder, select it.
- Name your new folder with your name and your testing month, using the following example: “Zach McLean – Black Belt Candidate – February 2021”.
- Once created, look on the right side of the screen for the “Share” button: then type in and hit enter. Hit “Share Folder”.
- Near the left side of the screen, there is an “Upload” button. Select that, then you should get a dropdown menu. Select “Upload File” and you will be able to select files from your computer.
- After uploading your videos, you can rename them using the three dot icon on the right side of the file, then select “Rename”. Please rename it to whatever title is specified in your assignment so we are able to differentiate between your submissions.
- Once submitted, we will check your submissions for punctuality and accuracy. We may comment on your videos in order to give corrections or critiques. Make sure to check back occasionally to see the comments made by the instructors.
Sending with Dropbox on your phone (done with iphone)
- Go to
- If you have an account, log in. If not, you will need to create an account. You can create an account using your gmail account if you have one (special button simplifies this process for gmail users), or any other email.
- Once logged in, on the bottom of the screen you will see a plus sign called “Create”. Then select the option to “Create Folder”.
- Name your new folder with your name and your testing month, using the following example: “Zach McLean – Black Belt Candidate – February 2021”.
- Set the location of your folder to your personal file.
- Once your location is set, look on the top of the screen for the “Share” button: then type in and hit enter. Hit “Share”.
- In the center of your screen, there is an “Upload Photos” button. Select that and you will be able to select files from your phone. Make sure to confirm upload.
- After uploading your videos, you can rename them using the three dot icon directly under the file, then select “Rename”. Please rename it to whatever title is specified in your assignment so we are able to differentiate between your submissions.
- For any additional videos, select the create button, then “Upload Photos” again and follow the instructions from step 7.
- Once submitted, we will check your submissions for punctuality and accuracy. We may comment on your videos in order to give corrections or critiques. Make sure to check back occasionally to see the comments made by the instructors.
If you have any difficulties, email Mr. Zach at
Blackbelt Candidate Homework: Please Open for Assignments
How to Shoot Your Videos: When demonstrating your kicks on video, please make one video for each type of kick you perform. For example, one video will comprise of one kicking technique that is done 8 times. Three with left foot forward, 3 with right foot forward and 2 with a side view using either foot you would like. See example below:
Get in Sparring Stance, then put left foot forward facing the camera and execute 3 Kicks
Get in Sparring Stance, then put right foot forward facing the camera and execute 3 Kicks
Then turn to the left or right side and show me a side view. Then execute 2 kicks. (You may choose your best side)
Under belt Forms
To print step by step directions for a form, click the name of the form below the video icon.
Dae Ryun Hyung
Palgwe 1
Palgwe 2
Palgwe 3
Palgwe 4
Palgwe 5
Palgwe 6
Palgwe 7
Palgwe 8
Creative Form
Coming Soon:
We will help you start your creative form for Blackbelt Testing.
MMa & boxing Combinations
MMA 8 Count
MMA 4 Out
MMA 15 Count
15 Count 3 Stage Drill
15 Count Pointers–LYq8jW92WbK2FVnim7P&index=12&t=0s–LYq8jW92WbK2FVnim7P&index=14
Advanced Belt Kicking combinations
Adv Combo 1
Adv Combo 2
Adv Combo 3
Adv Combo 4
Adv Combo 5
MKC: Master Kicking Combos
The below combos only have to be memorized if you were required to in class. They are listed because Red Belts and Red Senior Belts should know how to perform each kick. We may have you perform the combination as we read it. You are only responsible to memorize these combo’s if you were taught in the past 6 months. For now all you have to is perform the kicks in the order we call them out.
MKC Snap Kicks
MKC Round Kicks
MKC Side Kicks
MKC Hook Kicks
Breakdown of Kicking techniques
Breakdown of Kicks
ONLINE Breakdown: 360 Spin Hook Kick April, 2020
ONLINE Breakdown: Back Leg snap kick April, 2020
ONLINE Breakdown: Straight Back Kick April 2020
ONLINE Breakdown: Back Leg Round Side Kick April, 2020
ONLINE Breakdown: Back Leg Side Kick April, 2020
ONLINE Breakdown: Back Leg In-To-Out Kick April, 2020
ONLINE Breakdown: Back Leg Out-To-In Kick April, 2020
ONLINE Breakdown: Back Leg Hook Kick April, 2020
ONLINE Breakdown: Spinning In-to-Out Kick April, 2020
ONLINE Breakdown: 360 Round Kick April, 2020
ONLINE Breakdown: 360 Straight Back Kick April, 2020
ONLINE Breakdown: Tornado Kick